From Here We Start and From Here We Know

Two Book Set. Translated by Ismail Raji al-Faruqi.


SKU: 9789675062704/9789675062728 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Recent events in the Arab world have provoked a tsunami of analysis from political commentators. Only a minority of commentators with longer historical memories have sought to locate these events in the context of the long history of popular reactions against the result of western hegemony in Muslim societies. These two classic titles by socialist Khalid Muhammad Khalid and Islamic scholar Muhammad al-Ghazali, first published in the 1950s, represent very different ways of understanding the deep tensions that have long characterised Muslim societies.

Weight 0.95 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14.6 cm
Weight 0.95 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14.6 cm
Page Count

232 & 208 pages


Book 1 by Khalid Muhammad Khalid. Book 2 by Muhammad al-Ghazali


Islamic Book Trust