Look Inside

Our Decline: Its Causes and Remedies

Foreword by Rashid Rida


SKU: 9789839154542 Category: Tags: , , , ,

70 years after the author wrote it, this book is still relevant. The Islamic character as it exists today has changed relatively little since Shakib’s time. Unjust and selfish Muslim leadership, degenerated ulama with selfish aims of protecting their own lives instead of correcting the errors of their kings and heads, the ultra moderns andthe ultra-conservatives. The Muslim world still awaits redemption at all levels, ruler and ruled, young and old, rich and poor.

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 21.2 × 14.4 cm
Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 21.2 × 14.4 cm
Page Count

172 pages


Amir Shakib Arslan


Islamic Book Trust