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The Qur’anic Phenomenon: An essay of a theory on the Qur’an

Translated, annotated and with an Introduction by Dr Mohamed El-Tahir El-Mesawi


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Bennabi’s reformulation of the Qur’an’s miracle within the wider philosophical and historical context of the religious phenomenon and prophetic movement is quite unique. It invites the mind to a different reading of human religious history and a different understanding of the human condition that goes far beyond the mere concerns of Muslims.Beginning with a catalogue of ancient and contemporary attacks on the Qur’an, this expansive book provides unique insights into the holy text’s immaculate preservation throughout its history, as well as exploring many of the accusations levelled against it. The reception of divine revelations, Prophet Muhammad’s role in teaching and disseminating these verses, the text’s compilation under his guidance and the setting of its final external shape shortly after his death, are meticulously and scientifically examinded alongside such topics as the origins of Arabic, its palaeography and orthography, the so-called Mushaf of Ibn Mas’ud, and the strict methodology employed in assembling textual fragments.

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 22.2 × 15.3 cm
Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 22.2 × 15.3 cm
Page Count

340 pages


Malik Bennabi


Islamic Book Trust