
M Jamal Haider
M. Jamal Haider is a full time writer. He had been educated in universities in Sydney, Nottingham and Dhaka. He is currently doing a PhD on ‘Muslim Intellectualism’ in Australia. At the same time, he is also a student of Sydney Islamic College studying various Islamic disciplines. Previously, he had worked as a Deputy Director and geologist in a government research organisation and also as an IT Enterprise Content Management Specialist.
Previous books by the author: ‘The First Command: Iqra and its Influence on Global Intellectualism and Renaissance.’ This book narrates how the early Muslims became the best intellects and scholars in the world and what caused their regression that can be seen in contemporary times.
‘In the Name of the Lord’—A history of knowledge and religion through civilisations from an Islamic perspective. This book provides a wide understanding about how knowledge and religion advanced over time.