Osman Bakar
Ahmad Murad Merican
Wan Ali Wan Mamat

Keynote address by Anwar Ibrahim


In this book fourteen leading scholars and intellectual-activists provide a collective treatment of the theme of colonialism in the Malay Archipelago from the as yet little explored perspective of civilisational encounters. The centuries-long Western colonial presence in the Archipelago had generated both peaceful and violent encounters that were to prove consequential on the civilisational history of the region. The book’s chapters attempt to present new insights into the nature and multidimensional character of these civilisational encounters and their significance for the life and thought of contemporary Malay Archipelago that now comprises the modern nation-states of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, and Timor-Leste.

Osman Bakar, Anwar Ibrahim, Ahmad Murad Merican, Bondan Kanumoyoso, Farish Noor, Fernando A. Santiago, Jr., Maria Luisa T. Camagay, Ian Christopher B. Alfonso, Jajat Burhanudin, Achmat Salie, Mohd Nazari Ismail, Mohamad Abu Bakar, Awang Sariyan, and Md. Salleh Yaapar.

Osman Bakar is Emeritus Professor in Philosophy of Science (University of Malaya) and Holder of Al-Ghazali Chair of Epistemology and Civilisational Studies (ISTAC-IIUM).
Ahmad Murad Merican is Professor of Social and Intellectual History and Head, Malay-Islamic Civilisation Unit (ISTAC-IIUM).
Wan Ali Wan Mamat, a specialist in Malay manuscripts, is Senior Academic Fellow (ISTAC-IIUM).

Weight .850 kg
Dimensions 22.8 × 15.5 cm
Weight .850 kg
Dimensions 22.8 × 15.5 cm
Page Count

360 pages


ISTAC IIUM Publication,

Persatuan Sejatah Malaysia